Rules of Runyon Canyon:
1. The prettier the person the uglier the dog.
2. You will get passed by either a pregnant trophy wife or a child in the 5-7 year old range. This will make you feel really bad about yourself.
3. At one point you will find yourself behind someone that has let their dog roam free yet is surprised when the dog runs away (today's lost dog: Lucky)
4. Unlike other hikes that allow you to feel like you are in the wilderness, this hike will constantly remind you that you are in LA.
5. Do not make eye contact with other hikers. If you do it will cause your face to melt like in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
and now to the hike......
Someone decided to paint their deck with green screen paint, proving once again that money can't buy good taste.
Stopped on the way home at the Universal City Overlook. Five minutes after I left the sun came out. Figures.
Hike rating:

2.5 out 5 Bea Arthurs due to oversaturation of people, dogs, dog poo, and LA bullshit