Point Dume (4.0 miles) - Westward Beach Road off the PCH
I'd like to preface this entry of hikeblog with a little backstory. Twice during the hike I found myself in precarious situations. Luckily, both times I ran into groups of fellow hikers. Neither group, having come upon a 27 year old female hiking alone, decided it would be a good idea to help me and even went so far as to stare as I tried to avoid plummeting to a very tragic death. Thanks fellow LA hikers! I hope your pet dies.
I'd like to preface this entry of hikeblog with a little backstory. Twice during the hike I found myself in precarious situations. Luckily, both times I ran into groups of fellow hikers. Neither group, having come upon a 27 year old female hiking alone, decided it would be a good idea to help me and even went so far as to stare as I tried to avoid plummeting to a very tragic death. Thanks fellow LA hikers! I hope your pet dies.
Me: Hey! Is there any way down to there? That's too steep right?
Random Guy: Yeah.
Me: Well, that's unfortunate for me
Random Guy: I guess so. (goes back to smoking his cigarette)
Random Guy: Yeah.
Me: Well, that's unfortunate for me
Random Guy: I guess so. (goes back to smoking his cigarette)
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Dead bird count: 15
Snake count: 0
Hike rating:

5 out of 5 Brocks